
Hello families and friends! 

Where has the week gone! We had our very first snow fall of the year and I would like to thank you families for being so patient with us at dismissal time as we try to get everyone ready for home. Friends, practice getting your winter gear on and off! 

This week, our class focused on things we are thankful for. We read The THANKFUL Book by Todd Parr. Please have your child share with you some of the things they are thankful for. They should be answering in a complete sentence. "I am thankful for... because...."


Here are other things our friends are thankful for...
"I am thankful for high heels and dresses because it makes me look pretty."
"I am thankful for washing machines and fans."
"I am thankful for brothers, sisters and cousins."
"I am thankful for chocolate."

Please follow the format of the writing from last week. I will not be going into each notebook and writing the letter in for them. Thank you for your assistance.

Press this link to open up the homework booklet -->  HW Oct 9 Document 

Library books are due so if you have not done so already please bring them back sometime this week. They are only allowed to sign out one book at a time, so if your child does not bring back their book, they will not be able to sign out another. Our library assistance have been away so we have not been able to go to the library. I hope we will be able to go soon!

Please check the communication folder, I sent home a few notices. 

This week is safety week --> we will be doing an evacuation walk to Colonel J. Fred School, Thursday, September 11, 2018. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately. 

Have a great long weekend and see you all on Tuesday. Get lots of rest and be ready for a fun filled week. 
